Date: Tuesday 27th November 2018
Venue: Safari Park Hotel
Time: 7.00 am- 7.00 pm
PAINT-Y aims to organise an annual national youth in agribusiness forum. The PAINT-Y national forum 2018 will be held on 27th November 2018 at Safari Park Hotel. The forum will bring together different components i.e. a conference, Changemakers showcase and exhibition by different stakeholders in the youth in agribusiness ecosystem as well business to business meetings and a business networking cocktail. The theme of the forum is investing in the next frontier in agricultural transformation.
Components of the Forum
•Conference – The conference will be a blend of panel, plenary and side workshops. PAINT-Y aims to bring the youth to the conversation and this conference aims to have youth agripreneurs share their ambitions and ideas on how best to create an effective ecosystem for supporting youth in agribusiness.
The conference will also provide an opportunity for stakeholders to share their experiences and models on how they are providing support to youth in agribusiness with the aim to inspire and explore areas of collaboration with other like-minded organisations and complimentary efforts by other stakeholders.
• Business to business meetings – The forum will provide an opportunity for agripreneurs to meet with business development service providers to discuss ways of engagement and support in order to grow their businesses; these will include opportunities for incubation, mentorship, coaching as well as those seeking access to finance and markets.
• Changemakers showcasing platform will provide an opportunity for youths to showcase their work and an exhibition for stakeholders that are also working with youth will be provided for an opportunity to interact with youth in agribusiness.
• Business networking cocktail at the end of the day will provide an opportunity for participants to interact and explore opportunities for collaborations in future.
Your Investment: You can participate as a delegate, exhibitor but there is also opportunity to sponsor the event. below are the details of participation and your investment.
1. Delegates participation fee: KES 1,000 per person.
2. Exhibition fees:
Category 1: Shared space [Max 2 exhibitors] – KES 7,500 per exhibitor
Category 2: Own space – KES 15,000 per exhibitor
3. Interested to sponsor the National Youth Forum, please send us an email at
Kindly register using the form below before close of business 8th November 2018