Ambassador F1, simba F1, Zucchini, Cocozelle, Dark green and litte gem
Ecological requirements
Altitude: 500-2000m above sea level
Rainfall: 800mm
Soils: rich, well drained with ph 5.5-7.5
Temperature: 15-220C
Land preparation
Plough the land deeply. Apply 20 tons of well decomposed manure per hectare
Plant seeds directly in the main field at a spacing of 150cm by 60cm. sow 2-3 seeds per hill then thin 2 weeks after emergence to one plant per hill. Seed rate range from 68kg per hectare
Fertilizer application
At planting apply 1 teaspoonful per hill, 150-200kg DAP/TSP per hectare. Top dress with 1 teaspoonful per plant, 150-200kg CAN per hectare. Then apply 2 spoonful per plant, 300-400kg CAN per hectare prior to flowering.
Pest management
Aphids: use suitable insecticide
Epilachna beetle: avoid altarnative host plants eg cucurbits, potatoes and maize. Use suitable insecticide
Tobacco white fly: use suitable insecticide
Disease management
Powdery mildew: use suitable fungicide eg nimrod
Downy mildew: use suitable fungicide egridomil
Anthracnose: use certified seeds, crop rotation, field hygiene, use suitable fungicide egRodazim
Cucumber mosaic: control vectors such as aphids, practice proper field hygiene
Blossom end rot: foliar spray with calcium chloride, Apply CAN at the right stage
Starts 2 to 2 and half months when the fruits are 15-20cm long and continues for 2-3 months. Cut the fruit from the stem leaving a short peduncle 2.5cm-5cm on the fruit. Yield range from 10-15 tons per hectare.