Wambugu ATC Fieldday 27-28th July


FRI, JUL 27 – JUL 28

Wambugu field day

Wambugu Agricultural Training Center- Nyeri

Wambugu Agricultural Training Centers’ field day is a FREE annual event hosted by the institution and organized in collaborations with stakeholders including crop and dairy input suppliers. Companies set up demos which they use to train farmers as well as showcase performance of their inputs. We invite you to attend and visit our Syngenta stand. Remember Syngenta farmers make more money.


Shared by Syngenta Online:

admin: FarmLINK Kenya is a one stop shop for farming information. Our mission is to provide smallholder farmers in Kenya with the most current farming information to guide them in decision making. Our goal is to bridge the "Information gap" by creating linkages among farmers, inputs providers, researchers and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector.