Snow Pea Production in Kenya

Agroecological conditions

Snow peas requires adequate air circulation to the beneficial nitrogen fixing bacteria that live on the plant root. Constant air supply is ensured by avoiding waterlogged areas and not compressing the soils after planting

Snow peas prefer fertile Sandy loams that drains well, but tolerate most soils except impermeable clay. A Ph level of 6.0-7.5 is preferred. In case of soils with lower Ph, 1kg of HUMIPOWER can be mixed with 50kg fertilizer or manure. This raises the soil Ph since low soil Ph has adverse effects on crops such as;

  • Toxicity of Aluminum which becomes soluble
  • Affects nutrient availability
  • Leaching of Mg, K, and Ca since they become soluble
  • Lack of nodulation of legumes

They thrive well in cool weather in upper and lower highlands at altitude of between 1500-2600 m above the sea level and temperatures of between 12°c – 20°c with well distributed rainfall of 1500mm-2100mm per year and we’ll drained soils rich in organic matter.



Aphids are very common sap-sucking insects that can cause a lack of plant vigor, distorted growth and often secrete a sticky substance called honeydew which allows the growth of sooty moulds. This Sooty moulds coats the leaves surface blocking stomata which acts as entry for carbon dioxide for photosynthesis hence lack of the crucial process in the plant leading to stunted   growth. Aphids also vector many diseases even in other crops.

Aphids are controlled through spraying Kingcode Elite 10ml/20l.

Thrips( Tabacispp)

Thrips are tiny slender insects with fringed wings. They are sucking pests feeding by puncturing epidermal layers of host tissue resulting in silvering of leaves’ surface.

Control is by use of insecticide; Alonze 3ml/20l.

Pea weevil ( Bruchuspisorum)

These are small, black to brownish insects with a white zigzag running across the back.

The pea larvae hatch and burrow into the pods and feed on the developing peas.

They can be controlled by use of insecticide; Pentagon 10ml/20l.

Cutworms (Agrarian segetum)

Cutworms are more larvae that hind under the litter or soil during the day, coming out at the dark to feed on the plant. The larvae attacks the crop at the stem base by cutting it down hence the name ‘cutworm’.

Control is done by drenching with Pentagon 20ml/20l.


Damping off and root rot

It is caused by a number of pathogens such as pythium and rhizoctonia. It is exacerbated by cool wet soils. Seeds becomes soft and rolled while seedling fall

due to sunken lesion. Older seedlings develop root rot when peas are planted in overly wet soils.


Wilting, Foliage becomes brown, Roots becomes brown, Stunted growth

Seedling attached by damping off


In addition to use of certified seeds a drench of Pyramid 700 WP 100g/20l is used to control damping off.

Downy mildew

It is caused by Peronosporaviciae. The disease survives in soils and on plant debris. It can also be seed borne. The disease develops quickly in cold conditions (5°-15°c) and wet for 4 -5 days.  This often happens when seedlings are in early vegetative stages. Rainfall is the major method of spores dispersal and Secondary infection.


The underside of leaves are covered with a fluffy mouse grey spore mass.

Sickly yellowing green appearance

Deformation of pods covered with yellow and brownish areas.

Downy mildew in snow peas.


In addition to use of certified seeds, a fungicide, Gearlock turbo 25g/20l can be sprayed to control the disease.

Powdery mildew

It is caused by Erysiphepisi. Unlike downy mildew, it is prevalent in days of warm weather.


Covering of infected Plants with white powdery film.

Severely affected leaves turns blue-white in color.

Powdery mildew in snow peas leaves.

In addition to seed treatment and crop rotation, fungicides such as Chariot 20ml/ 20l or Ransom 10g / 20l is sprayed to the affected crop to eradicate the disease.


Nutrition or fertilizer application is determined by soil analysis. However, Up to 10 tons of farm yard manure should be applied. Applications of DAP fertilizer at a rate of 250kg per ha at sowing time and again after one month is recommended for root growth. At flowering stage the plants should be dressed with CAN at a rate of 200kg per ha. All fertilizer applied should be mixed well with soil.

Avoid excess nitrogen which will promote vegetative growth at the expense of growth of pods. Hand weeding is recommended since the crop has shallow roots and care must be taken not to injure the roots. Alternatively, after using DAP in sowing GATIT RANGE can be used in subsequent fertilizer spraying.


Harvesting of snow peas is determined by horticultural harvesting index rather than maturity index. They are harvested when pods start to fatten, but before peas get too large. For best flavor, cook or freeze peas within a few hours of picking.


admin: FarmLINK Kenya is a one stop shop for farming information. Our mission is to provide smallholder farmers in Kenya with the most current farming information to guide them in decision making. Our goal is to bridge the "Information gap" by creating linkages among farmers, inputs providers, researchers and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector.