Rice Farming in Kenya

Rice production involves various steps including; seedling production, sowing, seedbed preparation, main land preparation, transplanting, main field water management, weeding, pest and disease control, husbandly and harvesting ,threshing, winnowing, drying, storage. About 95% rice production in Kenya is grown under irrigation in paddy schemes managed by theNational Irrigation Board (NIB).


Irrigated varieties: Sindano, Basmat 370, Basmat 217, BW 196, BG-90-2, BR 51-74-6 and IR 2793-80-1, ITA 310

Low land rainfed: Ci Cong Ai, WABIS-675, Jasmine-85, TGR-78

Rain-fed upland: NARIKA 1, NARIKA 4, NARIKA 10, NARIKA 11, TRG-94, Nam Roo, Deurado precoce, WAB 181-18

Ecological requirements

Altitude: 0-1700m above sea level

Rainfall: 800-2000mm annually

Temperature: 20-360C

Soils: Sandy loam to clay, PH ranging from 4.5-7.0


Should be done at the onset of rains for rain-fed rice, direct seeding is done in this case. For irrigated rice, raise seedlings on nursery and transplant 3-4 weeks after sowing depending on the variety. Spacing for rain fed rice range between 23-35cm by drill (seed rate 50kg per hectare), for irrigated rice is 15cm-20cm by 20cm (seed rate 50-54kg per hectare).

NB: Flood the field 15 days after tillage, before transplanting.

Fertilizer application

Nursery: Apply 160kg SA/DAP per hectare.

Irrigated rice: Use basal application method, 100kg DAP per hectare during planting, top dress 12-14 days after transplanting with 100kg CAN per hectare for black cotton soil, 100-180kg SA depending on soil conditions.

Rain-fed rice: Use basal application method, 100kg DAP per hectare during planting and 90kg CAN per hectare during top-dressing.

Weed management

For rain fed rice carry out weeding three times, first weeding done 2-3 weeks after germination, second prior to topdressing and third one before panicle set. Use herbicides such as Satonil or Karachi.

Pest management

White rice borer: Practice good field hygiene, plant resistant varieties, use systemic insecticides such as confidor.

Birds: Quelea quelea bird, use bird scaring devices, monitor regularly for breeding sites, report to agricultural office for assistance.

Rice stem borer:Plant resistant varieties, practice good field hygiene, use systemic insecticides eg confidor.

Stalk eyed fly: Use systemic insecticides eg confidor.

Rice leaf hoppers: Use insecticides such as endosulfan.

NB: Chemical control measure should be adopted when pest damage is severe!

Disease management

Blast: Plant resistant varieties, proper plant spacing, avoid excessive nitrogen application in the field, practice good field hygiene.

Sheath blight: Plant resistant varieties, use suitable broad-based fungicide eg ridomil.

Rice yellow mottle virus: Plant resistant varieties, practice good field hygiene, control insect vectors.

Sheath rot: Plant resistant varieties, use fungicides eg ridomil.


Done 80-180 days after sowing depending on varieties and location. Dry the rice to 14% moisture content. Yield range from 4.5 to 10 tons per hectare for irrigated rice and 3-7 tons per hectare for rain-fed rice.

admin: FarmLINK Kenya is a one stop shop for farming information. Our mission is to provide smallholder farmers in Kenya with the most current farming information to guide them in decision making. Our goal is to bridge the "Information gap" by creating linkages among farmers, inputs providers, researchers and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector.