Green Gram Farming in Kenya


KVR22 (KAT/MB22 or N22), KVR 26 (KAT/MB 26 or N26)

Ecological conditions

Altitude: 500-1600m above sea level

Temperature: 28-300C

Rainfall: At least 600 annually

Soils: Prefer sandy loam soils which are well drained

Land preparation

Done early before the onset of rains, harrow to a medium tilth.


Planting should be done early during the onset of rains. Plant 2 seeds per hole at a spacing of 45cm by 15cm. Seed rate range from 10-15kg per hectare.

Fertilizer application

No fertilizer required unless in highly eroded soils deficient in nitrogen and phosphorus where 20-25kg per hectare of TSP or SSP should be applied during planting and 10-15kg of nitrogen per hectare should be applied (basal method) during top-dressing.

Weed management

Weeding should be done twice, the 1st weeding done after crop establishment and 2nd weeding just before flowering.

Pest management

Bean bruchid: Clean stores properly, dust grains before storage using actellic super or skana super.

Flower thrips: Spray with suitable insecticide eg thiodan

Bean aphid: Practice early planting, remove volunteer plants from the field, spray with suitable insecticide eg thiodan

Bean fly: Practice early planting, remove volunteer plants, crop rotation, plant resistant varieties, and use suitable insecticide such as karate, seed dress using Murtano or Gaucho.

Disease management

Powdery mildew: Practice crop rotation, use certified seeds, use suitable fungicide which is copper based eg mancozeb, score or ortiva

Yellow mosaic virus: Use certified seeds, plant resistant varieties, control insect vectors such as bean aphid.

Harvesting and storage

Done when 95% of pods have turned black, pick at weekly intervals. Dry the pods further, thresh and store the grains in air tight drums or gunny bags at 13% moisture content.

admin: FarmLINK Kenya is a one stop shop for farming information. Our mission is to provide smallholder farmers in Kenya with the most current farming information to guide them in decision making. Our goal is to bridge the "Information gap" by creating linkages among farmers, inputs providers, researchers and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector.