Catalysing Women’s Agri-preneurship and Food Trade in Africa

he Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and partners will a host a high-level African Independent Dialogue of the UN Food Systems Summit. Following of the outcomes of the VALUE4HER in-country Dialogues as an entry point to refining and/or contributing to the game-changing solutions for enabling women agri-preneurship and food trade in agriculture.

This high-level dialogue will consolidate the voices of women agri-food entrepreneurs across Africa, share emerging issues, insights, and solutions to inform Continental forums and the UN Food Systems Dialogue. click this link to register

admin: FarmLINK Kenya is a one stop shop for farming information. Our mission is to provide smallholder farmers in Kenya with the most current farming information to guide them in decision making. Our goal is to bridge the "Information gap" by creating linkages among farmers, inputs providers, researchers and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector.