FarmLINK Kenya is a social enterprise project by Mitahato Education Development Fund (MEDF) a community based organization working with smallholder farmers in rural Kenya. Mitahato Education Development Fund was established in 2011 and has been offering capacity building to smallholders through on farm demonstrations and trainings at the Mitahato 1/4 Acre Model Teaching Farm.
MEDF has also worked with farmers through a National Farmer magazine “Kenya Farm Report” that aired on GBS and Ebru TV Kenya for three seasons. The “Kenya Farm Report” Video uploads are available on You-tube.
During this time one of the major challenges we identified while working with farmers was an information gap and ease of access to that information. Each time we hosted a training or aired a show, questions kept streaming as to where to access inputs/services, how to plant or to control a certain farming problem.
This is how FarmLINK Kenya came to be. A one stop farming information platform that offers ease of access to current farming information in a simplified and interactive way through the Web, SMS/Call service and Social Media.